Articles in Sites and Structures for Ngangla

Nangla Lhakhang

Description Nangla temple is located on top of a gentle hill, which is part of a mountain ridge where the […]

Sonam Choling Dratshang

Description Sonam Choling Dratshang or Sonam Choling Monastic School is located two kilometers drive east of Panbang town under Zhemgang […]

Yosel Choling Lhakhang or Throma Lhakhang

Description Yosel Choling Lhakhang, also known as Throma Lhakhang, sits at the end of the valley in the part of […]

Houses of Bjoka and Ngangla Trong

Description Until recently, only the Khoche (Lords) families in Bjoka and in Ngangla had a house made of stone and wood […]