Articles in Sites and Structures for Haa

Rangtse/ Rongtse Ney

Description Rangtse/Rongtse Ney (Wylie. rang rtse gnas, Dzongkha. རང་རྩེ་གནས) is a sacred site located above the Amo chu river in […]

Haa Wangchuk Lo-Dzong

Introduction Wangchuk Lo-Dzong was built in 1913 by Gongzim Kazi Ugyen Dorji[1], the first Drungpa (Governor) of Haa district as […]

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  • About Haa

    • Shema Jangchubling Lhakhang

      Description Shema Jangchubling Lhakhang (Wylie; shes ma byang chub gling lha khang Tibetan; ཤ་མ་བྱང་ཆུབ་གླིང་ལྷ་ཁང་།) is a privately owned Lhakhang located […]