Mamung Trong Lhakhang


Tashi Chhoeling, popularly known as Mamung Trong lhakhang, is in Mamung village in Phangkhar gewog under Zhemgang district. Mamung is approximately 6km drive from Pantang on a farm road towards Phongchola. Pantang is located on the highway towards Pangbang and is accessible to all the villages under Phangkhar gewog. Pantang has commercial shops, gewog office, primary school, agriculture extension office, veterinary clinic and Basic Health Units to facilitate the needs of the nearby villagers.


Tashi Chhoeling, popularly known as Mamung Trong lhakhang, is built on a 15 decimal land and was believed to have been constructed by the community through volunteer labor contribution. The date of the construction is unknown and there is no written record of the temple. The oral source said that the lhakhang was believed to have been constructed to protect the community against leprosy, a disease that affected many villagers, and also to provide a sacred place for villagers to pray for the wellbeing of the people. Currently, the temple is registered as a government-owned property, but the community looks after the temple. The caretaker of the lhakhang is hereditary, and the current caretaker is the son of the former caretaker who had looked after the lhakhang.

According to oral sources, the village community once made contributions and renovated the temple; however, the caretaker and the villagers do not really know the year of the renovation. The lhakhang serves as a communal place to conduct various social and religious events such as funerals, tshechus, and prayers. The main relic of the lhakhang is Guru Rinpoche.

Architecture and Artwork

The temple is a traditional building made of mud, stones, and timber, which were contributed by the community. The first floor is made out of wood and the ground floor is made of stones and mud. The lhakhang has power facility, but still faces water problem at times.

The main altar of the temple has the statues of Choelong Truel Sum comprising of Chenrizig (Avalokiteshvara), Guru Padmasambhava, and Lord Buddha (Historical Buddha). A small room containing a prayer wheel is also attached toward the main entrance of the temple.

Inside the temple are wall paintings of Guru Tshengye (Eight manifestation of Guru Rinpoche) on the left, Zhabdrung Phuensum Tshogpa on the right and the paintings of Kuenkhen Lhongchen Rabjam (14th c) at the front. There is also a painting of the local deity Ringla Tsen on the right side of the main statue.

The temple has a small courtyard in front of the main building and many of the religious activities and festivals are performed there.

Social and Cultural Functions

The community organizes tshechu, performs funeral ceremonies, chants prayers, and makes offerings on auspicious days to gain merits, to have a successful harvest, and to keep peace and prosperity in the community. The village community sponsors both religious and cultural activities at the temple. The caretaker invites monks to perform funeral rites and other rituals in the temple. Some of the rituals that are organized at the temple are:

  • Nungney (fasting and prayers) ritual is observed on the 15th day of the 1st month of the Bhutanese calendar. This ritual has been in practice for a long time.
  • Dhen Zhi Choekhor (First sermon of Lord Buddha) ritual is conducted on the 4th day of the 6th Bhutanese calendar. In Bhutan the day is observed as Drukpa Tshe Zhi.
  • Tshechu is performed to mark the significance of the Buddhist practices twice a year on the 15th day of the 10th month and then on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Bhutanese calendar.


Tshering Choten, caretaker


Alok Subba, Associate Lecturer, College of Language and Culture Studies, Taktse, Trongsa, Royal University of Bhutan, 2018


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