Langmalung Lhakhang


The temple is on the right bank of the Tang river, 10 mns walk from the end of the feeder road and north of the valley


The temple was founded in the early 12th century by the Tibetan lama Ngoktoen Choeku Dorje (1036–1102) to whom is also attributed the temple of Takar near Tangbi in the Choekhor valley of Bumthang. He was the principal recipient of the great Marpa’s explanatory lineages. The Ngok branch of the Marpa Kagyu was an independent lineage carried on by his descendants at least up to the time of the 2nd Drukchen Gyalwang Kunga Paljor (1428-1476) when it was integrated to the Drukpa Kagyu school.

Ngoktoen Choeku Dorje followed a prophecy to establish a temple dedicated to Palden Lhamo in.the Southern valleys and the “soul lake” of the deity is believed to be in the nook of a big juniper tree. Large trees Langmashing are all around the temple which got its name from them.

in the 17th c. the Trongsa Penlop Minjur Tenpa visited and linked the temple to the Trongsa dzong Palden Lhamo so the monks of Trongsa came in summer to Langmalung do the appropriate rituals.

The temple was restored in the early 20th century but its history is not documented.

Architectural style / school and related art works

Langmalung resembles a large house. It is a gonkhang, a temple dedicated to the guardian deitiy of Bhutan a form of Palden Lhamo, called Dusoelma. It has impressive paintings on black background.

The main statues are the Buddha, the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel (1594-1651), and Guru Rinpoche.

Social cultural function

The temple belongs to the Drukpa Kagyupa monk-body and many rituals for the guardian deities of Bhutan are performed there by a caretaker now sent from Jakar dzong.

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