Sekhar Dratshang

Small building 2 kms north of the district headquarter; between the hospital and the Wangducholing palace along the main road on the right side of the Chamkhar river.

This temple was built in 1963 for the Kagyu community from Sekargutho monastery in Lhodrak (Southern Tibet), hence the name. Sekargutho monastery in Tibet is famous for having been one of the residences of the great master Marpa Lotsawa (11th c.) and the place where the famous ascet and poet Milarepa (12th c.) built his nine-storey tower on the orders of his master, Marpa.

Architectural style / school and related art works
The temple is a small one-storey building with low structures for the monks close-by.
The main image represents Marpa Lotsawa, the great translator and master of the 11th century, at the origin of the Kagyu religious school.

Social cultural function
The temple serves as a community temple for the people living next by and Se/Sekhar is also home to a small monastic school (dratshang).

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