Petsheling Gonpa

Petsheling “The lotus grove” is in the mountain high up above the Swiss farm and Bapalathang. It takes 3 hours on foot and one good hour with a 4X drive car on a 11 km long rough road. It is not advisable to drive to the monastery if it rains.

The monastery was established in 1769 by the first Petsheling lama, Drubthob Namgyel Lhendup (1718-1786) who came from Chapcha, south of Thimphu and spent part of his life in Tibet. There he became accomplished in subduing evil spirits and repelling enemis. He also received teachings from the famous Nyingma masters Drime Lingpa (1700-1775) and his disciple Jigme Lingpa (1729–1798). When he came back to Bhutan, he established his seat in Petsheling according to a prophecy of the Jowo statue in Lhasa. His successive reincarnations mostly stayed in Petsheling but established temples in Eastern Bhutan and North of Trongsa.
This private monastery was completely renovated and enlarged in 2000-2010 by the present 5th Incarnation, Pema Kunzang Tenzin Gyamtsho born in 1960 in Tang valley from Dorji Lingpa’s descendants and recognized by the 16th Karmapa. He studied in the Drukpa monk-body in Punakha and Thimphu and also received many teachings from great nyingma and non-sectarian masters. When he was 29, he went to live at Petsheling and revived his monastery with the help of generous contributors. He established a monastic school and repaired the old temple.

Architectural style/school and related art works
The monastery has a temple now surrounded by recent constructions to house monks
Most of the paintings and statues date from the mid 18th c. when it was built and has an exquisite statue of the monastery founder as well as a beautiful 11-headed Avalokiteshvara, and statues of the masters of different lineages. However most of the paintings were renovated in the 2000 when the temple underwent extensive restoration.

Social cultural function
Seat of the Petsheling Tulku, an incarnated lama, who is very active in socio-religious works. The Monastic School has around 70 monks.
A festival called the Petsheling Kuchoe & Tshechu is held on the 20th-21st days of the 4th month and dances such as Drametse nga cham, Pacham, Ging, and Zhacham are performed.
On the 1st day large banners of the Buddha Shakyamuni, Avalokiteshvara and Guru rinpoche are displayed
On the 2nd day, the Phurpa’i wang, a blessing with a magical dagger kept in a box in the temple and which belonged to the monastery founder, draws large crowds from all over Bumthang.

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