Domkhar Tsechu

It takes place at Domkhar Lhundrup Choling temple in the village of Domkhar.

The three- day festival starts on the 10th day of the third Bhutanese month (April or May), coinciding with the anniversary of the death of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel. Sacred dances such as the Black Hat Dance, the Three Ging and the drummers of Drametse are performed.

A small thongdroel (banner “which liberates by sight”) representing the future Buddha Maitreya (Jampa) is shown on one of the days. The people of Uru and Domkhar villages in Chhume valley provide the expenses for the festival every year.

Research team                                               
Lopen Nagwang Jamtsho, Lopen Tashi Tobgay, Lopen Karma Drupchu
Lecturers, Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Royal University of Bhutan, 2012