Zugne Lhakhang

A very small and low building under a tree on the right side of the main Trongsa-Jakar road, near the weaving workshops.

In the Bhutanese tradition, according to Pemalingpa, Zugne is one of the geomantic temples built by the Tibetan king, Songtsen Gampo in the 7th century to subdue a demoness.

Architectural style / school and related art works:
The small size of the temple, the inside circumambulation path and the fact that its main image is the BuddhaVairocana (Nampar Nanzey) would certainly favor its antiquity. The paintings were redone in 1978 by the scholar and monk Lam Pemala (1926-2009), himself native of Zugne.

Social cultural function
The temple is the village temple and is looked after by a local cartetaker. Community and individual rituals are carried out in the temple.

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