
The Chhume valley with an average altitude of 2,600 metres (8,860 feet), is a wide valley dotted with villages and temples. In the valley people grow wheat, barley, potatoes and particularly buckwheat, which in the form of pancakes and noodles, is the basis of the staple diet of Bumthang. In addition to the Domkhar Palace, one of the residences of the second King of Bhutan, Chhume has several religious sites of interest such as Buli, Tharpaling, Nyimalung, Zugney as well as the mansion of Prakar, the former seat of the son of the saint Pema Lingpa (1450-1521).

Chhume is also known for its brightly coloured woollen textiles (yatra) and several workshops along the roadside allow the visitors to watch the weaving process.

Chhume is 45 mns drive from Jakar, the Bumthang district headquarters and two hours from Trongsa.